What do designers do all day?

— 1 minute read

I'm always interested in what other designers do and how their careers develop, especially during their day to day.

This is a series of (mostly) anonymous interviews by Shane Hudson in which designers at different sized companies talk about their work. It's interesting to see the size of the teams and how they all fit together.

I'm also reading How They Got There by Khoi Vinh. It's a mix of interviews with designers that mostly started their careers in the early-ish days of the internet (late 90s to early 2000s). No matter what stage in your career you're at, it's a worthwhile read that will help you reflect on where you are now and where you want to be. I've definitely got a lot out of it and it's helped me look back over my meandering job journey with some satisfaction.

How They Got There book by Khoi Vinh.